Creative, intimate wedding photography from Lee Garland

There’s few people we love on this earth as much as we love Lee Garland. His photos are second to none, beautiful captures that are simultaneously vibrant and full of movement and expression whilst also being perfectly still, poignant snapshots of time. But he’s also just one of the loveliest people, definitely someone you want on your team on the day. Get to know him - and ogle his gorgeous work - below!

Tell us about your business – what do you do?

I’m a wedding photographer, who does everything possible not to be an imposition on the day.

Why & how did you start?

At Uni, and then with a staff photography job at a magazine publisher from 2004-8. After then I went freelance, covering architecture, interiors and weddings.

Who or what inspires you (don’t be afraid to be specific & bold!)

Donald Trump. (Joke)

Talk us through a day at the office/studio/wherever you work from.

So the great joy of working for yourself is getting to work wherever. I am a member at a ‘creative industries hub’ which is basically a cafe that you don’t have to feel guilty about not buying drinks every 40mins, but I also work at home, in hotels, in airports.

What’s your fave part about what you do?

Definitely just getting to stand back at weddings and getting to capture little aspects that catch my eye. As a job.

What are you excited about for your business?

It feels like I’m hitting my groove and am excited about improving, and that is a nice feeling. (And I’ve decided I’d like to convert a camper van which I need to speak to my accountant about…)

Who are your fave 3 wedding suppliers?

Always a combo of people who are great at what they do, but also great company to be in. So, Lee & Dawn at Shutterbox who quietly make stunning videos but just as importantly are lovely people, A-M Faulkner who has been my stand neighbour for years and Kitchen East, who amongst many, many great caterers just seemed to go that extra mile, somehow cooking the most incredible, thoughtful food under heavy midge-attack at the back of a village hall on Skye with what appeared to be no kitchen equipment. I still don’t know how.

What’s your top advice for couples getting married?

Don’t be pushed around, do whatever you feel suits you best. (And book me?)

Come and meet Lee and his lovely, laidback persona IRL at the fair - Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, Shoreditch, 7th Feb - 9th Feb 2020. Grab your tickets here!